ORBIS – Oldenburg Regional Library and Information System

What is ORBIS?

ORBIS – Oldenburg Regional Library and Information System – is the network of the Oldenburg University Library, Oldenburg Regional Library and the Libraries of the Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg, Wilhelmshaven and Elsfleth.

ORBISplus - the joint search portal of the ORBIS libraries

ORBISplus start page

The ORBIS Libraries operate a joint search portal called ORBISplus, to which users can access from the respective library homepage from the library.

This has the advantage for the users that they can check immediately, in which of the scientific libraries of the ORBIS network a certain medium is available.

If the book is borrowed from one of the libraries, you can see at a glance if it is still available at another library. Of course the ORBISplus holdings are also listed in the online catalog of the Common Library Network (GBV).

ORBIS Library Card

ORBIS Library Card (since Sept. 2020)

Old Library Card

The ORBIS library card allows users of the University Library and the Regional Library to borrow media in both libraries. Students of the university can use their CampusCard for identification. Your library account is integrated into the search portal ORBISplus.
For the libraries of Jade University in Oldenburg, Wilhelmshaven and Elsfleth their CampusCard is valid as a library card.

On the following pages you will find detailed instructions for registering in the ORBIS libraries:

Found a card?

Have you found an ORBIS library card?
To ensure that the owner gets the card back as soon as possible, you have the following options: